Not to worry family and friends !! We are snug and dry at Steve and Paula's, AGAIN ! They must be wondering if we will ever leave !! They have been so welcoming to us !!

The last two days the wind has been blowing hard, with rain, and some hail ..... We can see the Huachuca Mountains and they are snow covered. To the NW are the Santa Ritas (where we were riding 3 days ago) and they are snow covered . To the North are the Rincons (where we will be in a few days) and they are snow covered .

So today we went to see Win Bundy at The Singing Wind Bookstore near Benson . Quite an interesting place and interesting lady, you should go if you get a chance .

Something spooked the mules while we were gone, so Steve and Paula did Roundup, in the rain ! We had the mules picketed but the rain soft ground didn't hold the picket pins .

Hoping to get back on the Trail tomorrow . Diane

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad to hear that you are safe and dry. Nice to see that the internet and Richard are working well together, too. Hope you have good weather for the next few days of your adventure. Isn't that country beautiful? Hope you are getting some nice pictures.
This is quite fun following you and Ron on the AZ trail. Except you keep making these short cuts to "comfort"! Just kidding, I would be too.