Dick had set up camp where the trail crosses Ripsey Wash .
The next day a work crew was coming into this section to do some trail work . Two members of the crew (John Rendall & Dave Babcock) had been a big help to me regarding maps of the area, and scouting . I wrote a note to them and the work crew . We left the note in a side wash that we thought they would be using for their camp . Don't know if they got the note .

If you look closely in this photo, in the lower right quadrant you can just make out the truck and trailer . This was our camp in Ripsey Wash as Corinne and I saw it as we were riding down the final ridge into the main wash . In the background is what is called The Big Hill . The trail switchbacking up it is a real marvel in engineering and construction; easy grades and well stabilized tread . Great views looking back west into the many side canyons of Ripsey Wash .
The following photos were taken from the ridge going north from the Big Hill.
On the way down off the ridges and toward camp, we came to a small wash that had a little pool of water . It was about 6 or 8 inches below the level of the wash . Rosie was thirsty . She got down on her knees to drink from that little pool ! They had had water a couple hours before but she wanted some of this water too . Billy was not that THAT thirsty I guess . It had not been hot weather .
On the switchbacks coming down, I got off to take a flower picture . As I was remounting, from the uphill side, the bank gave way and I slid under Billy . He didn't even flick an ear .
Camp at last . Dick had the hor d'oerves out and the cold drinks ready . Jane and Jesse were always excited to see us coming into camp . Dick was too !
On the switchbacks coming down, I got off to take a flower picture . As I was remounting, from the uphill side, the bank gave way and I slid under Billy . He didn't even flick an ear .
Camp at last . Dick had the hor d'oerves out and the cold drinks ready . Jane and Jesse were always excited to see us coming into camp . Dick was too !
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