Billy and I are going solo now . I know the first day of this trip very well because Dick and I are Segment Stewards of the north half of what I will ride today (Reavis Trail Canyon).
Starting at Picketpost TH near the town of Superior, the trail crosses under, the now 4 lane, US Highway 60 and soon crosses Queen Creek .
Crossing over the unused railroad tracks from Superior's mining days, the trail is not far from the old cemetery where Wyatt Earp's wife Matty is buried . (Her grave is prominently marked, IF you can find the cemetery .)
Following a long ridge northward, the town of Superior is slowly revealed below and to the southeast . The trail is rocky but well defined with easy grades .
Billy is checking to see if he might get lucky and find some feed in the old trough .
After the easy, gentle climb up through Reavis Trail Canyon, crossing the stream many times, and riding in the shade of the sycamore trees, it's time to "pay the piper"; Montana Mountain ! After interminable, steep switchbacks the trail tops out at approx. 5500 feet, about 2600 feet higher than Superior . Whew ! Poor Billy!
Forest Road 650 looked pretty good after that climb . A couple of miles on the road, walking in the shade of huge juniper trees, and we were in camp .

Our camp at Rogers Trough
Our camp at Rogers Trough
At this camp, in the evening, the dogs got "skunked". They had never seen a skunk and were fascinated by this slow, waddling little creature . We convinced it to move on, with some well targeted rocks . The dogs wanted sympathy from us but got " Don't come over near ME !" . The next day they had to ride in the back of the truck, instead of inside like the little princesses that they are .
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